Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!! I know we did - we ate a lot of junk food and had a "traditional" Spaghetti and Meatball Christmas dinner! The kids got LOTS of stuff! We spent the night at Mom and Dad's and that's where Santa delivered presents!

Here are some photos (backwards!):

Grandma and Colin - she is showing him a toy that Santa brought!

James is looking at the Hot Wheels that Santa brought!

I am opening my Sodamaker! (I bought it through a charity thing for myself and it's really cool!!)

I won this for Larry (about a week before Christmas) and was able to keep it a secret!! Needless to say, he was VERY surprised to see a Blu-Ray player under that paper!

Colin really seemed to enjoy this flashlight!

"I don't want SOCKS, I want TOYS!"

Colin and his "loot!"

James and his "loot!"

Mom, Dad and the Grandkids (James, Colin and Hailey)

Us - Larry, Sara, James and Colin
We don't have much planned for New Year's Eve ... we will probably rent a movie and put the kids to bed at their regular bedtimes! I bought some Sparkling White Grape Juice, so I am sure we will have some of that. We will spend New Year's Day at Mom's house.
I have registered for two classes and I am trying to get into one more ... I will have to take at least one class in the summer (depending on if I can get the one I am trying to get) and then I will Student Teach in the Fall! The downfall, I have to find childcare for James and Colin. James needs to spend time with other kids, so I am good with finding something for him. But, I got to spend a LOT of time with James (and watch him learn and grow) when he was small. I will miss out on all the a lot of the new things that Colin does ...
Well, I think I am out of things to say and this is a LONG blog with all the pictures, so ... I hope you enjoyed this blog (HI Linda!!)! Have a safe and happy New Year!! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's been awhile!

WOW! I didn't realize it had been so long since I had written!

Well, we are getting ready for Christmas! We put the lights out a couple of weeks ago ... thought about getting a tree, but there is no place for it so we didn't ... I have wrapped packages and everytime we go to Mom's house, we take some with us ... We donated about 12 gifts to the Angel Tree program through the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) ... and the list goes on!

Larry has been working a LOT! 40 hours a week at SAWS and 40 at Best Buy ... He is only SUPPOSED to work 25 (max) at Best Buy, but they have a new scheduling system and it doesn't allow them to put a maxium hour limit so they are trying to work that out. We are still waiting on the "official" word that he got the job he applied for at SAWS - but it looks like it's his! YAY!! :)

James is doing well - he is getting taller and eating a lot! He is a huge help with Colin - when he wants to be! He enjoys turing the swing on, snapping Colin's onesies after I change a diaper, giving Colin a binkie and laying on the floor (or bed) next to Colin to "play" with him. James is already a messy kid! His room looks like a bomb went off - Transformers and Hot Wheels all over the place! He is good about putting his dirty clothes in the laundry - but I do have to ask him to do it.

Colin is growing like a weed!! He is six weeks old (as of 12/16) and weighs 11 pounds 7.5 ounces!! He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day and every 4 over night. He has a pretty solid routine - he typically goes to bed about 9pm, wakes up to eat about 2:30am and again at 6:30am. He has almost outgrown some of his 0-3 month clothes (the Carter's still fit, but the Gerber are almost too small). He smiles a lot, is starting to talk a little, and LOVES laying on the floor (or bed) to kick and stretch. He is a complete Mama's Boy! He will go to Larry - but prefers me!! (I never had that with James, so it's nice to have it now!)

Larry and I took our Christmas photos at Target, and that went pretty well. The the following week, Mom and I took the boys to the Bass Pro Shops and took their picture(s) with Santa! I took a really good (in my opinion) picture (the last one in today's post) of Colin ... I want to take some more, but I think I need to wait until he can hold his head up a little better.

OH! And, I have had fairly good luck with my Instant Win Games and Sweepstakes lately! Among the many prizes I have won (in December alone) ... a GREAT Christmas gift for Larry ... I will post it after Christmas because I don't want Larry to know before-hand! :)

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Frank with Colin's binkie!
Over Larry's shoulder - James kissing Colin - Colin sleeping!

Cute onesie, cuter baby!

Well, life is getting crazy! Larry is working 40 hours a week at SAWS and 25-40 at Best Buy. We are waiting to hear about the job Larry interviewed for at SAWS. (Hopefully, we will know by the end of the week!) James plays Transformers all the time. We are starting to give him chores and an allowance in hopes that it will help him listen better. (The chores: pick up 15 toys every night before bed and make sure the cats have food every morning.) Colin is getting so big! (He is 4 weeks old today!) He is wearing 3 month old clothes already! (James didn't wear three month clothes until he was about 4 months old.)

I am almost ready for Christmas - I only have a few more gifts to get. (Shopping at Target has been a real life-saver!) We are ready to put up Christmas decorations, but won't get to until Saturday.

Not too much else happening around here! Hope all is well with you all!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well, adjusting to life (mostly just the lack of sleep) that comes with a new baby has been interesting. During the day, Colin eats approximately 3.5 ounces about every 2 hours and at night he goes 3-4 hours between meals. Colin has gained about 2 pounds since he was born. He does some lizard-like movements with his tounge, and when he does Larry thinks he is going to spit up!

James loves to hold and feed Colin and he kisses him every night before bed. James might be a little jealous over Colin still, but overall he is a big help and still a very good kid. James got a new sweater, which he doesn't like to take off, and he says that it makes him a "superhero!" We "plug it in" at night so that he will take it off!! He also has some new pajamas - the kind with the feet - which he doesn't like to take off. The other day he told me he wanted to wear them for his clothes during the day. My obvious answer was NO!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away! Larry is still waiting to hear if he got the job at SAWS. I have caught a cold.

Some pictures for you to enjoy:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Pictures!

Here are a few new pictures for you all to enjoy! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Here are a few more pictures!

Colin is here!!

Hey guys! We had a midwife appointment yesterday (11/4) at 5:30pm and we were dialated to 5cm and 90% effaced! I asked if she would break my water and she agreed. Larry and I went home to have dinner and get our bags. We got back to the birthing center about 8:20pm and we broke the water at about 8:40pm. My contractions were strong and hard from about 6:20pm and after the water was broken, they only got stronger and started coming back to back. I don't remember what time it was, but we got into the birthing tub and labored there for a little bit. Colin Joseph was born at 10:06pm! It was a great experience and I wouldn't change it for anything! He was 7 lbs, 7.5 oz and 20.5 inches long! James is very excited to be a big brother! He loves to hold Colin and he pats him (only using his fingers - his hand stays still). Attached are a few pictures (they are backwards and I will post some more in another post!):

Friday, October 24, 2008

Still waiting ...

Well, we are still waiting to meet Colin - I guess he just isn't ready to meet the world yet! Unless Colin is born this weekend, our next midwife appointment is Tuesday, October 28. We will keep you updated!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Well, we thought for sure we would have a baby over the weekend - but that didn't happen! We have another midwife appointment tomorrow, October 21, 2008, unless we have the baby tonight! Colin will come when he is ready - but I am more than ready to meet him!

Colin's room is ready and James is adjusting to sleeping in his new room. Other than that, there isn't too much going on around here.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 10, 2008

We had a midwife appointment on Tuessday, October 7th - we are 1 cm dialated and 30% effaced! We are thinking that we will have a baby on or around October 18th. Our next appointment is Tuesday, October 14, so I guess we will know if we are any closer! We (not me) are moving furniture this weekend, so James will be in my scrapbooking room and Colin will have James' old room. There is really nothing new around here - I have started to do some Christmas shopping ... but since James is with me when I got to the store, it's a little more difficult than it sounds! That's all for now - have a great weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hey everyone! At our midwife appointment (a week and a half ago) we were 1/2 cm dialated and 25% effaced already! We have our next appointment tomorrow (Tues., Oct. 7th). We have FINALLY agreed on a name - the baby will be named Colin Joseph! Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy:

We are almost done with cleaning and switching rooms (James will go into my old scrapbooking room and Colin will get James' old room). Hopefully, it will be done on Tuesday after our appointment.
That's all I know - so have a great week!! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Adventure!!

Hey all! I have started something new: Bottle Cap Charms!! I have a two listed on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=130259315070. If you are interested in buying some, let me know! :) I can make pretty much whatever your heart desires!! I sell them for $4 each. Have a great day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures

Hey guys! We had a midwife appointment on Thursday and I am 1/2 cm dialated and 25% effaced already! The midwife (Alisa) says she expects the baby will be here in about 2 weeks!! I am excited, but COMPLETELY unprepared! The baby shower is tomorrow, and it'll be great to see all the people I rarely get to see!

Larry and I still have not completely agreed on a name for this baby ... and James thinks we should name him "Wompen-Demon!" (I am not sure where he came up with that name, but he has said that's what the baby's name should be since I was about 3 months pregnant.)

Have fun and enjoy this!

This is a picture of the baby from June ...

This is the baby's foot (also from June).

This is the baby's foot (toes against his elbow at the top) from September.

This is the baby sucking his thumb.