Friday, August 21, 2009


Colin LOVED the corn!!
James went fishing with Grandma and Geez.
James and Colin!
Colin turned 9 months old!
James with a (SHOCK) Dinosaur at the Witte Museum.
It seems as if August was just a blink of a month!!
Yesterday, we went and met James' teacher - Mrs. Triplett - and I think it's going to be a great year! (From what I hear, Mrs. Triplett is the best there is!) I signed up for the PTA, we bought James' school shirt, got the bus number and all the rest of the fun school stuff.

Becca and Brandon drove down for the weekend to celebrate Mom & Becca's birthdays. (They got here this afternoon.) Mom and Dad took all of us out for dinner tonight - Janitzio's has such great Mexican food! Tomorrow, we are going to have a birthday party for Becca at Mom & Dad's house - Dad is going to make fajitas.
James has been OBSESSED with Dinosaurs lately - so we have been learning lots about them. He even got a new book - DinoTrux.
Colin has been having a rough couple of days - he is working on his 7th tooth, and it's giving him all kinds of problems. Hopefully it pops in soon and the rest of his teeth won't be so bad.
The next two months are gearing up to be even crazier than August ... dove hunting season starts, Larry has a company picnic, I am going to have a Party Lite candle party October 2, etc, etc.

I hope this finds you all well! :hug:

Much love,
Sara and family!