Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well, adjusting to life (mostly just the lack of sleep) that comes with a new baby has been interesting. During the day, Colin eats approximately 3.5 ounces about every 2 hours and at night he goes 3-4 hours between meals. Colin has gained about 2 pounds since he was born. He does some lizard-like movements with his tounge, and when he does Larry thinks he is going to spit up!

James loves to hold and feed Colin and he kisses him every night before bed. James might be a little jealous over Colin still, but overall he is a big help and still a very good kid. James got a new sweater, which he doesn't like to take off, and he says that it makes him a "superhero!" We "plug it in" at night so that he will take it off!! He also has some new pajamas - the kind with the feet - which he doesn't like to take off. The other day he told me he wanted to wear them for his clothes during the day. My obvious answer was NO!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away! Larry is still waiting to hear if he got the job at SAWS. I have caught a cold.

Some pictures for you to enjoy:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Pictures!

Here are a few new pictures for you all to enjoy! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Here are a few more pictures!

Colin is here!!

Hey guys! We had a midwife appointment yesterday (11/4) at 5:30pm and we were dialated to 5cm and 90% effaced! I asked if she would break my water and she agreed. Larry and I went home to have dinner and get our bags. We got back to the birthing center about 8:20pm and we broke the water at about 8:40pm. My contractions were strong and hard from about 6:20pm and after the water was broken, they only got stronger and started coming back to back. I don't remember what time it was, but we got into the birthing tub and labored there for a little bit. Colin Joseph was born at 10:06pm! It was a great experience and I wouldn't change it for anything! He was 7 lbs, 7.5 oz and 20.5 inches long! James is very excited to be a big brother! He loves to hold Colin and he pats him (only using his fingers - his hand stays still). Attached are a few pictures (they are backwards and I will post some more in another post!):