Monday, September 29, 2008

New Adventure!!

Hey all! I have started something new: Bottle Cap Charms!! I have a two listed on eBay: If you are interested in buying some, let me know! :) I can make pretty much whatever your heart desires!! I sell them for $4 each. Have a great day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures

Hey guys! We had a midwife appointment on Thursday and I am 1/2 cm dialated and 25% effaced already! The midwife (Alisa) says she expects the baby will be here in about 2 weeks!! I am excited, but COMPLETELY unprepared! The baby shower is tomorrow, and it'll be great to see all the people I rarely get to see!

Larry and I still have not completely agreed on a name for this baby ... and James thinks we should name him "Wompen-Demon!" (I am not sure where he came up with that name, but he has said that's what the baby's name should be since I was about 3 months pregnant.)

Have fun and enjoy this!

This is a picture of the baby from June ...

This is the baby's foot (also from June).

This is the baby's foot (toes against his elbow at the top) from September.

This is the baby sucking his thumb.