Monday, July 27, 2009

Freebie Fun!

I just love my freebie forum(s)!!

I found this link:
AND, the train will be in San Antonio, so I am planning on taking the kids and maybe mom!! :) It sounds like a blast! (We will go Friday and be there before 9am, since I think it'll be packed!)

I have been winning quite a bit lately - $100 from Sunkist, 2200 Wii points from Pepsi (I am trying for Rock Band, but no luck yet), a whole bunch of stuff - Books, Toys, etc. - from Enfamil, $100 for from One A Day, $15 for Best Buy from Coke, some other $25 giftcards from Coke and Huggies (5 or 6 of them) and some movie passes from Coke and Huggies! It's so fun!

I am hoping for a really great sweepstakes win (a trip or cash) ... but my time will come, eventually!! :)

James is gearing up for school - he REALLY wanted a "Prowl" (Transformers) back pack, but they don't make those. So, Mom and I bought a neutral (blue) back pack and called it Prowl! (He bought it - Hook, line and sinker! :)) We have gotten some of the supplies, but we are doing good job of looking for the deals! We are going new shoe shopping next week - I have already told him he can't have shoes with characters. (I know, I am such a mean mom! But, I think they are so dumb!!)

Larry is almost registered for school and I have registered for my classes.

Have a great week! :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

July Already?!

I can't believe my last post was in MAY! Crazy!

Well - let's see what's been going on ...

James is FIVE and I think he is starting to lose brain cells! LOL ... he didn't really go through the terrible twos, so I think he is going through the funky fives! He asks "why?" for EVERYTHING! (Ex: I say, "James take off your shoes so you can get in the bath." He says, "Why?") He has "forgotten" how to talk and listen to people. He is becoming more and more bossy! He still LOVES dinosaurs, Transformers and Penny & Pongo (stuffed puppies). He is very ready to start school! We are starting to get the little things - glue, pencils, etc. Picking out a back pack may prove to be a chore because James wants a Prowl Transformer bag and I have only seen Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. James enjoys swimming and he has an insane tan! (He and Grandma go as often as they can!)

Colin is NINE months old and eats as much as you'll give him! (One day looks something like this: a jar of Oatmeal and Applesauce for breakfast, some of Mom's cereal, Puffs for snacking, Veggies for lunch, Puffs for snacking, Turkey (or Chicken) and Rice for dinner, some of Mom's food for dinner, Puffs for snacking ... and quite a bit of "milk" throughout the day!) He is crawling all over the place as fast as he can get there and can't wait until he can keep up with James! (James is not overly impressed with Colin's obsession with him right now.) Colin LOVES to play with James' toys (so we have to be very careful), he enjoys attacking the cats ... he pats them in the cutest way, and if he hears the water running - I can promise that he will be climbing your leg to get to it as soon as he finds you! (When James takes a bath, he tries to climb in with him!)

Larry is not working at Best Buy anymore ... the discount (and the extra money) were great! But, the hours were horrible and for the last two weeks before he left, they scheduled him for 30+ hours each week, ON TOP OF the 40 hours he was working at the San Antonio Water System (SAWS). Needless to say, enough was enough and he left.

Mom and I took the boys to Garland to visit Becca (and Hailey) one week, so Larry went to UTSA and re-applied (he had been out for more than 3 semesters, so he had to re-apply) and now he just needs to register for the fall. He has about 30 hours, about 10 classes, before he can graduate. After he registers, I will find the classes I need (hopefully they are offering them when I can take them) and I will register. I only need a couple of classes and student teaching. I will also have to take some Saturday "classes" so that I can take the certification test. Teaching is not what I want to do ... but, it's the only thing I have wanted to do since I was a child, so I don't know what else I would want. I will just finish my degree and see where to go from there. I thought about doing degree only - and still may.

While in Garland (near Dallas), we went to the Fort Worth Zoo (always been a favorite), the Dallas World Aquarium (a first for us, but definitely recommended!), and the little Harbor by Becca's apartment. It was fun, but it was nice to get home as well! :) When we got back, James had Bible School for the week. Then, Larry's Aunt Tonna and cousin Tasha flew in for a quick 4th of July visit. While Tonna and Tasha were here, we went to Mission San Jose, the Alamo, Memories by the Yard (Quilt Store), and Mom & Dad fried fish for them! Tonna taught us a new card game - NUTS! - and it is AWESOME! (We need more couple friends so that we can play cards more often!)

Oh yea, and I cut off a LOT of my hair! :o)

Ok ... I have written a novel! So, I will post this, add some pictures and let you be! :) Hopefully, I won't wait as long before my next post!