Monday, December 7, 2009

5 Tips & Tricks for Bedtime!

1: ROUTINE!! We have a nightly routine ... pick out tomorrow's clothes, go to the bathroom, brush teeth, put PJ's on, read a book, tuck kiddo(s) in!

2: Books in bed - I let my older son (J) read in bed for 20 minutes each night, and then I put the book away and turn off the light.

3: Movie Time - Friday and Saturday nights, my older son gets to watch one movie in bed (after the routine and in place of #2).

4: Cry it out - My younger son is only one, so we are transitioning to going to bed with no bottle and without rocking him to sleep. We do the routine with Brother, but after we tuck C in, we let him cry (if need be) for about 5-7 minutes. If he is still crying, we tuck him in again, and repeat.

5: Middle of the Night Wake-Ups: For C, I rock him until he goes back to sleep. For J, I make him try to go to the bathroom, and then I tuck him back in and tell him I'll be back in five minutes IF he closes his eyes. I head back to bed and J is back asleep before I am even in my room!


Unknown said...

That five minutes of crying is the hardest part. JDaniel still does that sometimes. Nap is the worst.

The Phillips' Family said...

I agree with you - it's SO hard. But, C usually only cries for 2 minutes or less before he is asleep.